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Ahoy, mateys, and welcome to the Game Buoy podcast – your twice monthly port of call for gaming news and views that maybe aren’t on your radar, but most definitely should be! On this episode, recorded Sunday, March 30, 2014, Captain Spike and First Mate Slagkick celebrate GAME BUOY’S SECOND ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SPECTACULAR SPECTACULAR!!!! and start off Year 3 by taking a look at their favorite third installments in gaming franchises.
– Iron Galaxy will be taking over work on Killer Instinct content.
– Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd is coming to the west this year.
– A Matchbox 20 track pack has been added to Rocksmith 2014.
– The April lineup of Virtual Console GBA games has been revealed.
– Advance Wars is coming to the Wii U Virtual Console in Europe.
– Beyond: Two Souls DLC is available for LittleBigPlanet.
– Atlus says to expect shortages of Persona Q during its Japanese launch.
– Halo: Spartan Assault is coming to Steam on April 4.
– Free Hyrule DLC is coming to Sonic Lost World!
– Nosgoth is coming to Steam Early Access.
– Initial D: Perfect Shift Online hits 3DS on April 2.
– A new Adventure Time game is coming to consoles and mobile platforms this fall.
– An Advanced Edition of FTL hits iPad next week.
– Final Fantasy Agito will be released on iOS and Android next month.
– A Vita remake of Hyperdimension Neptunia has been confirmed for the west.
– Indie brawler Air Dash Online has been put on indefinite hold.
– The Asian version of Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment will have English subtitles.
– PS2 Wild Arms games are not planned for PSN release on the PS3.
– Double Fine will begin publishing indie games, starting with Escape Goat 2.
– Portal is getting a port for the nVidia Shield.
– Mind Zero will be released on May 27.
– Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming will be localized for a Steam release.
– Facebook has purchased Oculus VR.
– Notch has canceled Minecraft for Oculus Rift because he is creeped out by Facebook.
– Swords and Soldiers is coming to the Wii U in April.
– DJMax Technika Q is getting an iOS release in the US.
– Hand of Fate, a deck building roguelike, is coming to PS4 and Vita.
– Threezero will be releasing Titanfall figures.
– A pink 2DS is coming exclusively to Gamestop!
– More Sony team members have left the company.
– Activision is closing The Blast Furnace, a studio who focused on mobile Call of Duty releases.
This week, Captain Spike and First Mate Slagkick celebrate the start of their third year of Game Buoy by celebrating their favorite thirds! Each Podcast Pirate shares his five favorite games that are the third installments in their series, and what makes each game so special.
– A teaser suggests that the Predator is making its way to Call of Duty: Ghosts.
– A Sony Eurasia executive says The Last of Us is coming to PS4.
SMASH!: Oculus & Facebook: Probably Not So Bad, So Maybe You Could Stop Freaking Out About It (Gamasutra)
A rational look at why Facebook’s purchase of Oculus Rift isn’t such a bad thing after all.
SMASH!: JPGamer: Vote with Your Wallet (USGamer)
In light of the news that the Project Diva F follow up is getting localized, this article discusses how fan support of “niche” games speaks loudly to developers and publishers.
Captain Spike has been enjoying more of FFX HD, as well as Infamous Second Son. First Mate Slagkick has been enjoying more Rock Band 3 with Captain Spike, as well as Beatles Rock Band.
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